David's Satis

Life Looks Like A Ball

Part 2: Reflection on the course

  • Slack

Slack’s user-friendly layout and the simplicity of segregated channels made it an effective communication tool for the lecturer and us students. It provided easy access. Students’ questions were answered either by the lecturer or by other students, which allowed for easy contact among us. Also, it allowed us to share interesting, humorous, or informative posts within designated “general” channels. Furthermore, the platform welcomed off-topic questions without the fear of judgment, which notably reduced distractions for me. I primarily used Slack for course-related matters, acknowledging its role as a dedicated communication platform. For example, to contact the prof rather than email her on Gmail. In addition, our Slack had different sections to keep discussions organized, which I found helpful; this way, finding messages becomes easier, avoiding unnecessary repetition.


  • WordPress

WordPress was a cool tool we used in class this semester. I really love using this blog. At first, I thought it was just a casual alternative to Turnitin. It turned out to be interesting because we could choose how our blog looked. It’s great for people who enjoy blogging, and the best part is that it’s free. Adding pictures to my assignments became super easy, which I liked. I also enjoyed how we could introduce ourselves in our blogs. Another good thing is that I can edit the assignment after submission. Also, we can easily receive feedback from the prof or our colleague. Additionally, I can see others’ work and get ideas without copying. Plus, you can make your posts private if you want.


  • Canva

Canva was super helpful for me in creating and being more creative with my assignments. It’s great because you pick a template and customize it to fit what you need. I like using Canva more than Google Slides especially if you want to create just one template. Canva has lots of designs and templates you can use to make things look interesting. I found Canva fitting for this course because it needs creativity, especially for assignments like ALTCV.


  • Google Slides

I’ve used Google Slides a ton during the first period of the university for making basic presentations and showing them in class and for the professor’s presentations on topics for class discussions. But I never thought I could turn this simple tool into a game. I didn’t know you could link slides together with just one click. Slides. were super helpful for our project. I never thought I could create an interesting game without knowing anything about coding. I realized that even complicated things can have simple alternatives that do the same job in an easier way.


  • Soliya’s platform

The Soliya website, a key feature in our class this semester, was notable. Previously, I emphasized the boringness of Soliya in this course. However, its website also held importance. I came to realize that despite differences in culture, thoughts, and beliefs, these factors don’t hinder our interactions or understanding of each other. For example, in the chat of our group, the instructor told us that if we wanted to share a specific thing, we could post it via this chat. Regardless of one’s origins, perspectives, or appearance, everyone’s voice is valued, allowing for meaningful conversations while maintaining mutual respect. Through this experience, I developed a greater respect for others and honed the skill of asking thoughtful questions without intruding into someone’s personal space, fostering a more empathetic approach to others’ feelings. Additionally, I chose a topic to start by discussing it in the class following, the instructor chose one of the topics I shared, “Fast food should or shouldn’t be banned.”. This was the best part of Soliya, which I really enjoyed because they liked the topic I chose and my idea about it. Notably, the person I’m with shouldn’t be banned. The conversation wasn’t easy because most of them said it should be banned because of obesity and lablablaah, but I made them sync about my point of view.

  • ChatGPT  

I’ve used ChatGPT, which proved to be a valuable tool that significantly contributed to enhancing various concepts during this semester. While its benefits were evident, I hold concerns regarding its detrimental impact over the long term on several fronts. However, I did utilize it extensively in this particular course; it played a substantial role in my other classes. In this course, I employed it averagely, mostly for assisting in reading articles for reflections, refining language in writing tasks, and brainstorming, such as for the “game” and other things like in the “Digital Literacies pathway”


  •  Get image.AI 

I only used it once to design the game’s images. I had several reasons for wanting to use it. Firstly, I wanted to create imaginative pictures since I wasn’t focusing on a particular hero. Secondly, because our course revolves around AI, I aimed to incorporate it into my work. However, this tool proved to be challenging—I had to provide detailed descriptions to generate the desired photo. Unfortunately, the outcomes often resulted in images different from what I intended. Despite the overall experience not being ideal, I persisted and utilized it to create all the game pictures until the project’s completion.


these are some photos that show how I suffered to get to pictures

AI Used

QuillBot and Free Grammarly for just the grammar in the whole assignment because I’m adding them on Google docs


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About Me

My name is David Hany, and you can call me “Dave,” I’m 20 years old. I study at the AUC, and I’m glad to be here. I have a slight passion for online trades. I love watching sports, listening to music, and sometimes I attend church theater.


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